Saturday, March 07, 2009

Lessons Learned

It has been awhile since I updated on my Weight Watchers journey. It has been just under 2 months since I have started and I have lost about 14 pounds! ( I would like to lose about 10 more) That may not seem like a lot for two months but for someone like me who was not too heavy to begin with it makes me feel like a brand new person. Here are somethings I have learned and some foods that I have found in the last few weeks that have made my life easier. This may not be too interesting of a post to some but I want to remember that I can do it after I have another baby and start all over again! :) At least I will start out lighter!!

Things I have learned so far..

1. Eating is at least 70% of it. I had been the same weight for 18 months and when I finally started paying attention to what I was eating the weight came off.

2. That being said I had to step up my exercise. Longer harder cardio and more days week. I have been running more. I even had an 8 minute mile this week and that after 2 miles first. That may not seem fast to some but huge for me!

3. Not to compare myself to others. Everyone's body is so different.

4. Not to buy clothes till I am done!

5. That if I have a bad day that there is a new one tomorrow!

6. Not to focus some much of what I weigh more if I am losing inches and pounds. No one sees the number but me!

7. I have very encouraging friends!!

Fiber One Bars! (YUM!)
Crystal Light
Diet Pepsi
Spray butter
Progresso Weight Watchers Soup
Double Fiber Bread
Yoplait Yogurt
String Cheese
Grilled Chicken Strips from Costco
Yoplait Smoothies (pre-packaged from Costco)
Sugar Free Jam
Sugar Free Pudding/Jello


The Young Family Inc. said...

Go Aubs! If ANYONE can do it- it's YOU! And with summer just around the corner- I am so proud of you!

Melissa said...

I appreciate this post. It's nice to get some tips! How do you find time to exersize regularly with the kids? Do you jog with Cohen in a jogging stroller?

Cindy said...

Amen to the Crystal Light, spray butter, and sugar free pudding!! I am addicted to Fruit punch crystal light. Cpngrats on the weight loss!!

Aubree said...

Melissa- I have a free gym membership since I work at a club here 5 hours a week in the daycare. They have a great Playcenter that my kids LOVE! I drop them off about 4 mornings a week for an hour and a half or so and then I run a morning or two as well when my husband is home. That is the only way I can get it in!

Cindy-LOVE Fruit punch! We drink that a lot!

Nicole Brown said...

Amen to all the lessons learned. You are looking really good and you will be so excited for your trip in may. It has been so fun having my WW buddy to talk to and exchange ideas with. The support is so helpful on those bad days! I always know someone is suffering with me!

Kristine said...

I think #5 is sooo important! Each day is a new day.

I wish I could see you. I bet you look great!

Pam said...

Congrats Aubree!! Where are you staying in Cabo when you go? $249 for a week????? Where did you get such a good deal??amazing!!
We went last spring and loved it!

Allyson White said...

I love your lessons learned--all so true!

Lindsey said...

Good job! I think 14 lbs in two months is fabulous! and it sounds like you're doing it a healthy way, which is better than crash dieting, right? You should feel so proud of yourself, although I am sure you looked great to begin with!

Cristi said...

I really like what you said about not comparing your body to others. I've been happier since I started making sure not to do that. It's unrealistic to try to have the same body shape and size as someone else. You have to be your own best self. Congrats!