Thursday, April 09, 2009


At 2:30 in the morning on Wed we had a surprise visitor in our bedroom....Cohen!!! He learned to climb out of his crib. At first we thought Hailee heard him cry and got him out, but she was sound asleep. Then we thought it was a fluke because he didn't do it at all yesterday. but today was a different story. Would not nap and I had to rock him to sleep for bed(this after putting him down about 15 times) which I have not done since he was weeks old. Lucky for me I have a crib tent. But our cat peed on it and so it had to be washed so it will not be ready until tomorrow when we head to Redding. He is not going to be happy!!! :) I know some may think it is mean but he is so not ready for a bed and I need my sanity!


Mattie said...

I so WISH we would have kept Brandon in the crib. I need my free time. I'll for sure be getting a tent for Dillan!!

The Young Family Inc. said...

Tie him down!?!? Is that legal!?!? Should be. :)

Cristi said...

brooke did the same thing a couple months ago!