Sunday, April 05, 2009

Learning to ride a bike.....

Without training wheels!! Tyler took Hailee and Cohen down to the turf field by our house and taught Hailee to ride her bike! He said it took about 3 tries and she was off! She was so excited! I was at work and I talked to her on the phone and she told me all about it!

Cohen was happy just to have lots of space to run around watch!

Just a couple crashes!!

She even has turning down!

She is off!!


Allyson White said...

What a great place to learn!

Mindy Widdowson said...

Learning to ride a bike is such a rite of passage! Yea for Hailee!! What a great place to learn!

Nicole Brown said...

Yepee! Now she can ride the bikes in our backyard! She will be excited and will not tell me, "My bike at home does not fall down!" too funny.

Keith said...

That is awesome! Good job Hailee!!