Sunday, February 15, 2009

V-Day, moving, ect

We are finally moved to our new house! We are loving the extra space and I even have empty cabinets in the kitchen! I am sure they will be filled sooner or later! This last week was a stressful one full of sick kids, sick mom, Tyler totaling his boss's car in San Francisco (he is fine!), working, and trying to get out of the old house. That is finally done!! Next time I am hiring someone. (Right, Tyler? :)) He did most of the work.

I am not a huge V-Day person and just wanted to make it fun for the kids, but with all of us sick with colds and such it didn't work out that way. But Hailee still was spoiled from us and grandparents. Cohen too. He just doesn't care yet. Tyler and I got a sitter on Friday and we to dinner and then to the old house to clean. It was one HOT date! I worked last night but it was a BUSY night and totally worth it.

Hailee cracks me up with the things she says. The other night Cohen was watching Elmo and it was about animals and they showed an Octopus and she yells out , "Hey, an Octopus. They have 8 legs, 3 hearts, and no bones!" I cracked up because she is right (I think) and I think she knows all kinds of things we just know she knows from school and books. Her mind is a definite sponge and retains almost everything she hears. This is why Tyler and I have to be careful what we talk about and words we use in front of her! ;)

Cohen is not diggin the stairs right now. He fell the first day we were here and is a little scared. He is starting to talk a lot. Yelling in my face while I am in bed after Tyler gets him out of his bed: "I want Breakfast or I want a show!" My kids always watch a cartoon during breakfast. He loves the words Don't, Mine, Stop-It, No, Doggie, Night-Night, Blankie, Toot (in context too) Cup, and Haywee.(Hailee) He is one funny little guy.

Tyler is off tomorrow which I am excited about and we will just be working around here and maybe going to Costco. This week will turn out exciting though. Kathryn will have her baby by Wed and Tanner should get his mission call at the end of the week . I will keep everyone posted on those exciting things!

How about this for the most random post ever!??


April said...

sounds like you guys have been busy! Moving while sick would be awful, I'm so sorry you had to do that, but so excited for your new home, it's always nice to have a change for the better!

Kristine said...

Did you buy this time, or still renting? Either way, hope you enjoy your new place!

Lindsey said...

random posts are sometimes the best! it was fun to get an update. did you ever post pics of your new house? you should!