Monday, February 02, 2009

Weight Watchers Update

I thought I would give a small WW update since it has been a month. So I lost about 7 pounds this month. I am kinda disappointed in that BUT it is better than gaining and I don't have a ton to lose I can't be hard on myself. Also I wasn't totally anal like I should be and so this month I am buckling down. I am going to have more intense and longer workouts and be more precise in my points. AND try not to eat after 8. So there you have it! My goal for the month is to lose 10 more pounds. I tough one, but not impossible!


Mattie said...

Keep up the good work Aubree. If you ever need a treadmill buddy let me know! I'm going to need to start working out soon.

Allyson White said...

Hey--you've lost twice as much as me. I am only down 3--good job!

Melissa said...

7 lbs is awesome! Especially when you alresdy look great. Be proud.

April said...

Good luck! it's so hard to buckle down, but you can do it! I should join you, got a few pounds to go myself. that's awesome though, 7lbs is a lot.

Laura said...

Way to go girl!! Keep up the great work!!

Nicole Brown said...

You are awesome. I love that we are doing this together. I have someone that is hating life with me! See you tomorrow at spin!

Tiffany said...

7 lbs is great for one month! I wouldn't be disappointed! Good luck next month!!

sharsten said...

You are so good. I need to start walking so I don't gain too much weight while I'm pregnant. I lost my phone and so I need you phone number so we can get together when you are settled in your new house.

Kate said...

Wow, 7 pounds is FANTASTIC!!! My parents can't say enough good things about Weight Watchers. They loved it and are now lifetime members!!! Good luck!

The Wright Stuff said...

Awesome job Aubree!

Lindsey said...

I think 7lbs in a month is incredible. Good job!