Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Small and Simple Things....

Here are some of the small things that I am thankful for right now....

1. HEAT!!! Our heater is broken. The guy was supossed to come Saturday afternoon and didn't show and now is he is an hour late. I know California is not that cold, but when your house is 58 degrees with 2 kids that are waking up at night because they are cold it is no fun! So I am thankful for places with heat!!!!

2. My body. I complain about it a lot. But I am lucky that I have a body that can workout, keep up with 2 crazy kids and work around the house and at work. I have been trying to tell myself that I am much better off than most. I think I just compare myself to all the skinny minny people in Folsom which is place unlike some other places where people bounce right back after babies and are all a size 4. Most people can't afford plastic surgery! :) Just kidding.....

3. Friends. Sometimes I feel out of the loop and like the only one who doesn't have weekend plans (mainly because I work on the weekends) But I have really good friends who are supportive and helpful. And I hope they feel the same way about me!

4. My car. I really do want a minivan, but I am glad I at least have something and don't have to take the bus!


The Wright Stuff said...

I am so sorry to hear about your heater! That is terrible! I hope you guys have tons of nice warm blankies! Do you have an electric blanket? I hope it gets fixed soon.
I appreciate your list of things you're thankful for. It's so important for me to remember the small things that are such a blessing in my life.
Wish we were still neighbors. I would bring over all of our quilts for you and the kids!