Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Happy Fathers Day and Birthday Tyler!

I decided to combine to one post because they are close together! Just wanted to give a shout out to him since I had to work on Father's Day and we were out of town on his birthday. Luckily he doesn't really get that into all that so he was perfectly fine. Here are some reasons he deserves his own post.....
* He gets the kids breakfast every morning so I can get an extra 30 minutes of sleep. And we are both not morning people so this is huge!
*He never ever has complained about taking the kids the couple evenings a week I work. He cooks them good dinners, takes them on all kinds of outings, cleans, and always tells me he appreciates me working. My kids have a whole new relationship with him with me being gone more often. And I actually like working.
*He always puts me first. I know he would do anything for me and the kids. He works very hard to support us.
*He'll watch the dumb shows that I watch. Not quietly though...
*He doesn't care that I have stretch marks and things are droopier than they used to be. :)
*He organizes the fridge and pantry for me. I am trying to get him to do my closet.

There is much more, but that is all I have time for! I had to include the Little League picture I came across on his computer and couldn't stop laughing!!


Kelly said...

He is a great guy. Happy b-day and Father's Day Tyler.

I love the Humboldt Sanitation uniform!

Lindsey said...

the humboldt Sanitation uniform is classic. happy bday!

Tara Rickards said...

Ahh! That was a sweet post! Sounds like Tyler is a great husband and father! You are a lucky girl!