Sunday, June 28, 2009

Teaching Moments....

I don't want to make light of the situation I am going to talk about, but it brought some interesting questions from Hailee. Last weekend our Stake President and his wife were in a car accident on the way home from Girl's Camp and she was killed and he is in the hospital. She was a great lady that Tyler got to know a little through teaching seminary. When a friend called to tell us the news, Hailee happened to be in the car and overheard us talking and has had a million questions about death and heaven. At first we were reluctant to tell her what really happened, but it opened up some good teaching moments. She grilled us on questions about heaven and how we get there. Not what we need to do to get there, but literally how we get there. Tyler does a good job with these questions, but she stumped him on the last one: "Dad, What is Jesus's last name? "


The Young Family Inc. said...

Christ. :)

Lindsey said...

How sad! Wow...